Friday 18 July 2008

How To Remove The Causes Of Bad Dreams

Everyone has unpleasant dreams sometimes. But what are the causes of bad dreams?

Were you aware that about 5% of us regularly experience a nightmare? Nightmares are like other dreams except they involve higher levels of danger and fear. It is the lacking of control feeling in these dreams which makes us want to know the causes of bad dreams to eliminate them.

Any type of dream occurs during rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep. Unlike most dreams a nightmare can cause physical symptoms such as perspiration, flushed cheeks and a high pulse.

There are quite a few theories about dreams and the triggers for specific kinds but we do not understand for sure what the causes of bad dreams are.

One common theory of dreams proposes that stress and pressure from the day are causes of bad dreams. One proponent of this type of view was Sigmund Freud. Freud believed that the causes of bad dreams lay in repressed and suppressed fears.

Witnessing traumatic events many times are the causes of bad dreams.

Another thing that is often associated with the causes of bad dreams is illness. While the body attempts to repair itself and fight the infection or disease nightmares become more common. This can often be exaggerated by medication, which can be a key factor in the causes of bad dreams.

It is unknown what exactly what the causes of bad dreams is or what makes them so vivid. It is possible that we merely remember our nightmares more easily because they frighten us.

People who are very sensitive to the views and opinions of others have nightmares much more frequently than those who are not. These people are more likely to become upset and emotionally disturbed if someone criticizes them and this could be one of the causes of bad dreams to be more frequent for them.

Prolonged negative thinking can be a factor in what the causes of bad dreams are. The processing of the negative images and feelings that a person creates throughout the day can be behind the causes of bad dreams.

To deal effectively with nightmares and remove whatever the causes of bad dreams are you can do several things. Firstly try to avoid watching the news or reading newspapers before bed. Avoid anything that you may find upsetting - including violent or scary movies as these are often some of the causes of bad dreams.

A great way of eliminating nightmares is by controlling your dreams. Lucid Dreaming allows you to investigate your dream world, control it and find out what the causes of bad dreams are for you.

In addition to removing negativity from your environment you can also fill it with positivity. Just before you sleep read something that inspires you or visualize someone you love. Think of great memories you have and relive them for a few minutes. Keep in mind that thinking about problems before you go to sleep causes of bad dreams very often.

If you found this article informative you may want to learn to lucid dream by following this link - causes of bad dreams.